September Roundup

Please read on for more announcements and highlights from across the MLC Group.

Office Hours and Access at MLC West Bridgford

There have been some key changes at West Bridgford for you to be aware of.

MLC Office hours have changed and are as follows. Lessons will take place at your normal time, someone will be available at West Bridgford and on the phone during the times below. If you have a query about your lessons the best way to contact us is still to email your teacher directly.

Monday: 2pm – 5pm
Tuesday: 2pm – 5pm
Wednesday: 2pm – 5pm
Thursday: 2pm – 5pm
Friday: 2pm – 5pm

The downstairs space will now also be used as a teaching space from 5pm therefore you will not be permitted to wait here. There is, however, extra seating available upstairs and we will be installing some seats outside should the sun be shining!

As always please collect and drop off students as close to your lesson time as possible to avoid disruption to the lesson occurring downstairs. There will be a few minutes every 30 minutes for a lesson changeover.

You are more than welcome to discuss your child’s lesson in the upstairs waiting area at the end of the lesson.

Christmas Concert

We are so excited that for the 6th year running we have another performance planned for our students at Metronome on Sunday 10th December. This will be our biggest and best yet with more collaboration, more students and some surprises thrown in! Don’t feel up to performing on stage just yet? why not get your chops up at one of our monthly live nights at Abbey Road. Ask your teacher about both of them and look out for tickets coming soon.

Well Done Billy!

A huge well done to one of our students Billy who achieved his Grade 8 Drums over the Summer! Billy started with our teacher Nish at the age of 9, and has worked through his graded qualifications alongside performing in almost every single one of our concerts! Now, 18, Billy is off to study at Newcastle University, we wish him all the best with his studies and hope to see him soon!

Billy is pictured here with his teacher Nish after his first grade exam (Grade 2 – April 2017) and again in July this year.

Creating Music Pathway at Wilford Hill Primary Starts

We are delighted to welcome Wilford Hill Primary to the team/band as one of the many schools that we provide music tuition in. From October students in this setting will be studying our Creating Music Pathway.

Check out what’s new on

We have some exciting new launches on this term. Check out the following free courses now available:

  • Discover Guitar
  • Discover Drums
  • Discover Podcasting
  • Discover Music for Film and Games

Don’t forget, as an MLC student you can also access the full support courses for Drums, Electric & Acoustic Guitar, Vocals and Keys at the reduced rate of just £10 a month (usually £14.99). Just log in to access, and if you have any problems please contact your Centre Manager.

Vacancies at MLC

We have a number of teacher opportunities available across the MLC group. For more information visit:

Key Dates for the Diary

  • Autumn Term – 4th September – 22nd December (w/c 23rd October – 6th November – open Wednesday/Thursday and Saturday only for catch-up lessons over half term)
  • Christmas Performance – Sunday 10th December

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